
—————————- CUSA16300 – EUR —————————- Thank @Golemnight/Opoisso893 CUSA16300 – EUR Note : Link Zippy only use with Jdownload2 Game : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.01 (6.72) : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Lets – Zippy – 1File Password: ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) CUSA16252 – USA

Thank @UNLiMiTED CUSA16252 – USA Note : Link Zippy only use with Jdownload2 Game : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.01 : Lets – Zippy – 1File Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Download Password: Audio : English. Subtitle : English, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), French, Spanish and Simplified Chinese. ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) Thank @UNLiMiTED & AVB CUSA16252 – USA Game + Update 1.01 : Zippy Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Download Audio : English. Subtitle : English, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), French, Spanish and Simplified Chinese. ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) On board derelict spaceships you’ll plan your mission, taking note of the ship layout, what hazards and enemies you might encounter and what terminals and other ship systems you can use to your advantage… Move carefully through the dangerous ships, searching for supplies and manipulating control systems. React to what you find – will you detour to the generator to bring the power back online or will you fight your way into the security module to disable the ship’s defenses? Choose carefully when to fight, when to run and when just to be a bastard. Use your hard won supplies to improvise tools and weapons, from the distracting robo-kitty to the horribly unstable clusterflak. Navigate your tiny escape pod through the vast nebula. Flee from void whales and pirates, and politely avoid the hungry hermits. All the while you must keep scavenging for the food, fuel, and other resources that keep you alive. Void Bastards features a 12-15 hour campaign that you can complete with an endless supply of prisoners, each with their own unique traits. When one dies, another steps forward to carry on the fight. Don’t worry though, as any crafting progress you’ve made is retained from one to another. Vm9pZCBCYXN0YXJkcyBVcGRhdGUgMS4wMSBGdWxseSBCYWNrcG9ydGVkCgpodHRwczovLzFmaWNoaWVyLmNvbS8/ajdyeGltdHpvZzVicTVtbnllNmYKCkluc3RhbGwgVGhlIEJhc2UgR2FtZSAiVm9pZC5CYXN0YXJkcy5QUzQtVU5MaU1pVEVELnBrZyIgVGhlbiBJbnN0YWxsIFRoaXMgVXBkYXRlIChObyBGaXhlcyBSZXF1aXJlZCkKCk5vdGVzOiA1LjA1IEJhY2twb3J0ISBUaGVyZSB5YSBnbywgbm93IHdhaXQgZm9yIG1vcmUhIEFmdGVyIDEwMGggb2Ygd29yayArIHdvcmsgb24gYmFja3BvcnRzIHdpdGggYXJvdW5kIDEwaCBvZiBzbGVlcCB0b3RhbCwgaW0gZ29pbmcgdG8gYmVkIGFuZCBpIGhhdmUgZGF5IG9mZiB0b21vcnJvdyBzbyBpbGwgc2xlZXAgYXMgbXVjaCBhcyBpIGNhbiBoYWhhCgpFbmpveQoKQnkgQ3lCMUs= Notes: 5.05 Backport! There ya go, now wait for more! After 100h of work + work on backports with around 10h of sleep total, im going to bed and i have day off tomorrow so ill sleep as much as i can haha

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