CUSA00803 – USA Game + Update 1.23 + DLC : Lets – Zippy – 1File Password: ( Guide Download – Tool Download ) Suit up for combat in exoskeletons that evolve every aspect of a soldier’s battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization. Players experience enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed. With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before, fundamentally changing the way gamers play Call of Duty across all modes. To iMixer, Yes of corse, this is the one : EP0002-CUSA05282_00-CODIWTHEGAME0001-A0125-V0100-DP.pkg 72,2 Mo But you have to have the Update v1.25 which I dont know where to find it. Infinite Warfare with DLCs ? Never heard of it. Here you have both with their Updates : Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Jackal Assault VR Experience The post here USA This is the different